Arbor Connect Ltd was established by Stuart Barton in 2016 after purchasing The Specimen Tree Company Ltd, where he was the General Manager and Arboricultural Consultant , consultancy division when it was sold.

Stuart's vision for Arbor Connect is to provide a holistic approach to tree care and Arbor Connect is able to find workable and sensible decisions for your trees whether they are part of a large scale national project or in your backyard.


General Tree Inspections

General Inspections for looking at overall tree health and safety Implication studies or for Resource consent applications.

Tree Relocation Assessment

We can assess the best relocation strategy for your beloved trees that will have little no no effect on the trees health and growth.

Tree selection for planting plans

We can help you will your tree layout and potting plans and select the best possible options for you or your company.

Hazard Assessment and Storm Damage

Trees are made up of four primary components; roots, trunk, limbs, and crown. These all have varying impacts on tree’s health and structure.


We provide a specialist consultancy service covering all aspects of trees including:


Arboricultural assessments for Resource Consent applications;

Inspections for tree health and safety including risk assessments

Tree moving feasibility assessments;

Tree asset management surveys and reports;

Tree evaluations;

Tree selection for planting plans;

Monitoring of protected trees during site development;

Tree health improvement reports;

Landscape planting audits.


The services that we offer range from diagnosis of ill health in a single tree in a residential garden, through to preparing an arboricultural implication report on a proposed development site.